Definition of NOTICE – NOTICE in a Sentence

definition of notice - notice in a sentence

Definition of NOTICE – NOTICE in a Sentence

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#015: NOTICE (NO◦tiss)

DEFINITION: become aware of, pay attention to something

The clipart shows two hippos sitting in the mud.

STORY: As he was making a note of the address, he wasn’t aware he was standing on ice and slipped.

NOTICE IN A SENTENCE: The first thing you notice when you meet him for the first time is his big smile!

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Other instances in the news of the use of NOTICE showing the definition of notice and notice in a sentence:

“We have noticed that a large number of these crimes are committed by young teenagers,” the spokesperson said, with a significant number of the carjackings being committed by 13- to 16-year-olds.
Source: Washington Times

It’s not clear whether Alahverdian has a lawyer; an email seeking comment was sent to the “Alahverdian Family Office,” which had sent a notice in 2020 about his funeral and memorial service in Rhode Island.
Source: Seattle Times

Last week, the F.A.A. started issuing hundreds of notices to airlines with updated guidance on how to land planes equipped with different radio altimeters safely in low-visibility conditions where 5G service is of concern.
Source: New York Times

The social network also noticed increased searches for ocean nails acrylic, aurora nails and geode nail art.
Source: Fox News

If you listen, you’ll notice a real theme is vertical integration: Herbert thinks Volkswagen Group has to do a lot of things itself instead of depending on suppliers.
Source: The Verge

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